It sounds so cliche when we talk about father's day. Bukan hanya hari ni kita patut appreciate our dad but we have to do for the rest of our life. Cool and awesome dad has the awesome power in their kids's eyes.
I know my dad will read this somehow then hehe. Things I appreciate about my one and only father is :
1. He taught me to be SOMEONE
He taught me to respect people, to know whom I can be friend with, what I have to do in my future, why I have to study hard. Yes, I knew the feeling when we are forced to do what we don't like but at the end of the day, the thing will make up our live because dad knows what is the best for his kids but not that u have to follow all, he'll give u some best choices and u can make up your mind.
2. He's my good backup
Whenever I have problems in school, teachers mad-like-a-crazy-cow on me, teachers throw rude words on me, he'll come and see them. He will protect me and my siblings as long as we are on the right side.
3. He can cook
My dad is awesome in his cookings. He'll make sure thre's food on the table for us to eat or bring us to restaurant when we want to. Not just can cook but the food taste great too =)
There's more to describe but I think words are not enough to tell how much my dad are mean to me.
Masa aku sekolah dulu, selalu la nampak ayah dan mak kawan-kawan datang jemput pukul 1 bawak balik rumah untuk lunch pastu pukul 2 dah hantar semula sebab ada extra class. Kesian dowh aku tengok. Macam la kedai-kedai makan dekat tepi sekolah takde, tak pun bawaklah bekal. Macam kuli pulak kau buat paarents kau. Lepas tu belum lagi tertinggal buku ke ape ke. Aku balik sekolah pun tak heran nak naik bas.
Budak-budak sekarang semua pun tak boleh. Kalau kete mak bapak boleh sampai depan pintu kelas, dah lama dorang suruh hantar. Alasan bila suruh naik bas, nanti kena culiklah, hilanglah ape lah. Kalau dah nak balik ke tempat A, naik la bas yang pergi situ. Sekolah tinggi-tinggi takkan tak reti baca pulak kan. Tak lasak lah budak sekarang. Tau KOREA je. Camne nak pegi Korea ni kalau naik bas dalam Malaysia pun takut?
I'm close to my dad and I wanna find a husband tha can cook like my dad to hehe =)
Happy Father's Day, abah. I LOVE U! =)